Interstellar Time Travel Video

Time Travel Video

What is your urgent message?

What does your world look like?

Empty Field - Free Footage - Full HD 1080p - To be edited into grainy 80’s camera quality.

How do people live their everyday lives?

YouTube implodes, and we lose the biggest source of free entertainment and education.

EMP attack - 

Outbreak in war domestically and internationally, 

Technological setbacks,

Message for what happened and how the EMP incident could be prevented,

Film in black and white, 35mm film effect,

1890-1900 era society, some industrial revolution technologies developing.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905 

Modified quote at the beginning then the original quote at the end

“Those who cannot anticipate the future are doomed to repeat the past”,

Something along those lines.

Voice over/ interview on what is happening,

Cut away to what is being talked about, fields. rusting broken down cars,

Some people are trying to warn before the events happen, called crazy (everything is published in print), technology becomes so influential that people don't read long published works.

Divide between all general population,

Loose the internet, electric grid → war outbreaks, world closer to coming to an end, society cannot function.

We are the people that are going into the past to tell society what happens in the future, how to prevent it, and also bring the proof in the form of old film. The people of the past do not believe the outcome, thinking it is the past. EMP technology advancement is the downfall of technology.


Electrical cars provide real number

We are vulnerable don't spend money on infrastructure

Compare countries modernity of grids 

Wall st faraday cages

Local restaurant to farmers impact

Secondary energy production- diesel, gas,

Federalization comes into play when civilization ends

Theo-In the year 2074 an EMP of unknown origin was detonated in the upper atmosphere. This EMP caused the world's infrastructure to collapse. Electrical grids, technology, everything digital... gone. 

A domino effect happened, where water and natural gas failed because of the dependence on the electrical grid. Secondary energy production- diesel and gasoline…. diminished. Technological progression halted…. civil unrest surging…... society collapsing. It is deeper and darker than the loss of employment. The world, we are afraid, is strictly dependent on digital technology. Our lives have become a portable outlet.

Mary- EEI projected that 26.4 million electric vehicles would be on the road by 2030. The individuals that believed these cars would dominate the market are inches away from losing everything. Without the primary element, electric transportation is unfeasible. The U.S power grid began in the 1880’s with isolated power generation systems. Made up of 11 thousand power plants, 3 thousand utilities, and more than 2 million miles of power lines. Nearly 70% of the nation’s grid is more than 30 years old. The grid may be the largest machine in the world but our infrastructures are vulnerable for the reason that we simply do not spend a sufficient amount of money on these. Countries around the world are years ahead of the United States, building “macro grids” capable of moving electricity from one region to another. Where we have planned 3 gigawatts of interregional transmissions, China has built 260 gigawatts. 

Dewey-Urgent attention is needed. This serves as a preparatory warning message to the society of the year 2022. It is recommended from the few surviving sane inhabitants of the 2075 world, that you need to create strict legislation to prevent the development of EMP warheads. While the culprit of the EMP attack is unknown there is a known course of action to minimize the fallout of this event if the legislation fails. The reason for returning to this moment in time is this is the earliest time that all preparations could effectively be made. Reducing the societal dependence on digital connections, and building faraday cages around essential infrastructure. 

If you refuse to attend to our message, the world will become near to an end. The feeling of being helpless, frightened. Climate change, global pandemics, hyperinflation and the present loss of the electrical grid. My friends, we physically cannot be blind to these effects. It is too often we take the world we live in for granted. When civilization ends, martial law comes into play. We face this risk. Thank you for your time.

Free Stock Videos – post apocalyptic scene with grunge effect seamless loop


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